Pasco Parent Portal

Access the exclusive Pasco Parent Portal and experience seamless control over your account particulars and preset configurations. Picture this:

  • Effortlessly uploading a personalized profile image or choosing from an array of options in the gallery.
  • Refining the colour scheme and layout of the menu.
  • Having the liberty to change the backdrop image.

If you need to modify your MyPascoConnect Portal or any associated apps, you can easily do so in the “My Profile” menu.

Account Creation For Pasco Parent Portal

This excellent platform is super easy for parents to use. They can quickly get around the official Pasco County Schools parent portal by following some simple steps:

  • Head over to
  • Once you’re there, click on the Parent menu on the left side of the page.
  • Look for the Check Notices/Support option and click on it.

Then, you’ll need to pick your country and set up your account by following the link provided.

Pick three different options shown on the screen.

  • Firstly, I still need to sign up on the main Pasco Connect Parent Portal, but my child uses it regularly.
  • Secondly, although I have an account on the main portal, I’d like to make another account for a different purpose.
  • I forgot my password, and I need to reset it.
mypascoconnect parent portal

To set up a master account, choose ‘I haven’t made an account on the main portal, but my kid has one.’

Complete all the boxes with your full details, following your child’s school rules for making a parent account.

parent zone

When you finish, tap on ‘Submit’. Following three instructions, it would be best if you gave particular info to connect your kid to the Pasco County Schools main account. If you have more than one child, you should add them all simultaneously. You can add another child in the next step. To add a new student, press the ‘Add Student’ button.

parent link

When you type in your child’s name, it’ll show up on the screen, and our school will quickly get your request for a link to the student’s account. If you’re enrolling more than one kid, click “I want to add another child.” But if you’re done adding, click “I’m ready” to make your account and add the students.

pasco county parent portal

Important Information

  1. To sign up another student, fill in all the required information and click “Add Student.”
  2. Clicking the “Create my account” button will show a happy message confirming your registration and giving you a unique username and password. Plus, we’ll provide a link to return to the main Pasco Connect login page quickly.
parent portal pasco

Remember: Keep your User Name and Password safe. We won’t send it to your email.

Type in a fresh “username” and “password” on the login screen to enter the portal, then tap the “Login” button.

my parent portal

You can personalise your password if you’re logging into the “My Students” area for the first time. Just go to the menu on the left side of the screen, select the option to change your password, and follow the steps. Please enter your current password, set a new one, and confirm it. That way, your password will be updated!

my student parent portal

After you hit ‘Save’ in the upper right corner, a confirmation message will pop up on the Pasco Parent Portal, letting you know your registration is complete.

Once you opt to save, a message will appear at the top of the box area, stating: “Remember: Your updated password has been saved.”

mypascoconnect parent portal

If you don’t have a password, you can generate a new one by going to the ‘Request Access’ screen.

mystudent parent portal

To regain access to your account, always type the valid email address linked to your account and hit the submit button. An error message will let you know if the email you entered isn’t in our records.

mypascoconnect parent
pasco parent portal login
mypascoconnect parent login
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